Getting started : SpringBoot, Thymeleaf and Bootstrap
I've been working with spring framework for many years. In the early stage, setting up a production ready application was not that easy. Specially, finding relevant dependencies was not so easy and there were a lot of configurations. But now, pain is over thanks to SpringBoot project. We can create a spring base application with minimum fuss. Lets create a SpringBoot application with Thymeleaf and Boostrap following these steps, STEP 01 : Generate a Maven project Easiest way to get started is creating a maven project using spring initializer Enter values to group id, artifact id and dependencies (for this project we need only web and Thymeleaf dependency). Then click on Generate Project button to download the project. STEP 02 : Import as a Existing maven project to Eclipse If we do a closer look at the generated POM file, we can see project's parent has set to spring-boot-starter-parent and spring-boot-starter-web and pring-boot-starte...